Mimidoo Achakpa - Executive Director

Mimidoo Achakpa is a Business Administration graduate by profession, human rights advocate by calling/nature, a social and political advocate by induction. She advocates for educational and economic empowerment of the girl-
She has over a decade of project management and programming experience, and an extensive background in governance, gender, disarmament issues and a Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration as well as Women Peace and Security (WPS) expert. She is a skilled manager, trainer, and facilitator.
Ms Achakpa has implemented and managed governance and other projects in Nigeria, trained and built capacity in several areas, and fostered strategic alliances with government agencies, bilateral partners, Non Governmental Organizations, Community Based Organizations and Faith Based Organizations.
She advocates for the betterment of the lot of the vulnerable groups in the society, especially women, youth, children and physically challenged or people living with disabilities.
An advocate of safely nets for rural dwellers, she believes it is possible for all Nigerians to enjoy all the good things of life if disguise is excused in our attitudes, actions and activities. She believes integrity is the foundation for sustainable success for individuals, establishment organizations and nations.
In addition to her being the ED of WREP, She also coordinates the International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) Women Network –