
Women Lead Agriculture in Nigeria Project
The overall goal of the Women Lead in Agriculture project is the strengthening of existing and emerging women mobilization platforms and small holder women farmers associations for sustainable organizing for change and policy influencing in the Agricultural sector. Small holder women farmers constitute a large percentage of agriculture labour force but they lack access to agricultural input and finance. Their rights to the lands on which they farm is very minimal. Issues that affect small holder women farmer are not prioritized in policy formulations and they are represented or even given the opportunity to participate in decision making pertaining the agricultural sector.

UNICEF G4G KFW PROJECT - UNICEF G4G KFW PROJECT IN ADAMAWA STATE. WREP is currently implementing a UNICEF G4G KFW project in Adamawa State titled: Inclusion of Life skills and Citizenship education in school plans through Girls for Girls initiative in the Resilience Integrated Education Programming for Children in Northeast Nigeria. The aim of G4G is to create a platform for empowering girls with knowledge, skills and confidence to exercise the right to enrol and remain in school and be role model to other girls.

WREP implemented the project ‘Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on Women and Children in Artisanal and Small Scale Mining in North Central Nigeria’. The Extractive Global Programmatic Support – EGPS emergency COVID-19 project is a World Bank project to assist ASM communities affected by the COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown by the federal government. The project was implemented in two (2) states namely, Benue and Nasarawa.