
WREP - - our Priority

Education in the 21st Century

The Organization is committed to a holistic and humanistic vision of quality education worldwide, the realization of everyone’s right to education, and the belief that education plays a fundamental role in human, social and economic development. Our educational objectives are to support the achievement of Education for All (EFA); to provide global and regional leadership in education.

Women’s Right to Education Programme (WREP) is a registered (RC 488118) , non-governmental, non-profit and voluntary organization established with the aim to provide a platform for Women, Youth and other stakeholders in education as well as liaise and initiate projects to facilitate our quest for quality education for all. WREP also seeks to engender development by promoting women’s empowerment and values that promote Self-Reliance, Democracy, Equality and Socio-Political Economic Justice.

Our Stakeholders identified the need to tackle crippling effects of illiteracy and lack of access to school amongst women and youths in our communities. We recognize that Functional Education is an important requirement towards the empowerment of women and youths in all facets of national life and most importantly, in assisting them to develop their skills and become self-reliant and enterprising.

An Advocate for the educational and economic empowerment of the girl-child and vulnerable groups in the society.

Mimidoo Achakpa — Executive Director
Our Programs, Projects and Impapcts on Women's Right to Education
Ranked #4 in Nation
Exploit Rate
0 %
0 K+
Women Impact
Vision Statement

WREP envisions a Nigeria where there is equity and equality of men and women and where socio-economic justice prevails and all live in peace and harmony.

Mission Statement

To promote a true culture of lifelong learning and promote the practice of transparency and accountability in the mobilization, allocation and utilization of community, state and national resources in such a way as to achieve an acceptable level of standard of living for every Nigerian.



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