Women’s Right To Education Program

WREP is an NGO with special consultative Status of the Economic and Social Council

(ECOSOC) of the United Nations.

About WREPNig

Our Stakeholders identified the need to tackle crippling effects of illiteracy and lack of access to school amongst women and youths in our communities.

  1. We recognize that Functional Education is an important requirement towards the empowerment of women and youths in all facets of national life and most importantly, in assisting them to develop their skills and become self-reliant and enterprising. Read More

Our Annual Reports, Paper Presentations, Publications and other useful materials can be accessed on our website.

With the high rate of maternal and child mortality in Bwari and environs, Women’s Right to Education Programme (WREP) sort to provide the residents of Bwari and environs with better health care services especially for the women and children.

Our Programs, Projects and Impapcts on Women's Right to Education
Programs & Projects
Success Rate
0 %
0 K+
Women Impact

WREP envisions a Nigeria where there is equity and equality of men and women and where socio-economic justice prevails and all live in peace and harmony.

Our Vision at WREPNIG

Ongoing Projects

Women’s Right to Education Programme (WREP) Partnering with organisations, government and international bodies  for women’s benefit.

WREP Benue Visit

WREP visit to Mbalom Council Ward, Benue The Ukpor, Ayar-Mbalom Community, Gwer East Local Government Area of Benue State

WREP Hospital Visit

Japan Embassy and WREP 17 MAY, 2018 two years project implementation. Beneficiaries and Donor were satisfied and pleased with the Outcome.

WREP Workshop

WREP and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF Nig) Partnered with and Hosted a team of research consortium.

Foreign Partners

Partnership with Embassies and Organisations for Grant assistance for implementation of our projects.

Bwari Hospital Visit

Achievement of reducing child mortality and improving maternal death (goal 4 and goal 5 of MDG).


The donation of Hospital Equipment to Bwari General Hospital by Japan Embassy.

What Wrep Does

Women's Right and Education

Provide platform for Women, Youths and the Girl Child in education and initiation of projects that facilitates quality education for all.

Good Governance

Seeks to engender Development, Promote Values, Self-Reliance, Democracy, Equality and Socio-Political Economic Justice.

Legislative Advocacy

Undertakes Lobbying, Advocacy and Research in the area of Gender Equality in order to Promote Youth and Women Advancement and Empowerment Strategies.

Transparency and Accountability

Promote Transparency, Accountability, inclusion and active participation of women in the extractive sector through Training and Capacity Building.

Stay updated with our Programs and Projects at WREP